
enjoying every second of life and running

IL Marathon Training: Week 5 Complete


Week 5, you are my bitch! LOL! I don’t get to say that too often so I’m gonna. 🙂

This was a very tiring week with travel and a work conference and then having to do my highest mileage week so far, 65 Miles, and I came through!

Today was 19 Miles on the treadmill and I’m feeling great!

Here is how the week ended up:

M: Rest

T: 6 Miles Recovery (Treadmill, 1% Incline, 47:53, 7:59 Pace)

W: 6 Miles Recovery (Treadmill, 1% Incline, 50:37, 8:27 Pace)

R: 15 Miles Med-Long (Treadmill, 1% Incline, 1:58:29, 7:54 Pace)

F: 9 Miles Recovery (Treadmill, 1% Incline, 1:11:47, 7:59 Pace)

Sa: 1 Mile Warm Up (8:33), 5K Race (21:29, 6:53 Pace, 2FO, 1st AG), 6 Miles Recovery (Treadmill, 1% Incline, 48:20, 8:04 Pace), Push Ups and Planks

Su: 19 Miles Long (Treadmill, 1% Incline, 2:28:18, 7:49 Pace)

Total: 65.1 Miles

7 thoughts on “IL Marathon Training: Week 5 Complete

  1. Yes, it does appear as though week five was your bitch! Heck, I am amazed by your ability to make the TM your bitch on a daily basis! Really, you ability to run for so long on a treadmill amazes me…you’re awesome!


  2. I am in awe of all those treadmill miles! Awesome job!

  3. Wow what a high mileage week! You’re amazing, Christine!!! And I commend you for running 19 miles on the t-mill. Yikes!

  4. OMG! I almost snotted diet pepsi all over my screen. HILARIOUS! Congrats on making it work along with traveling.

  5. how in the world can you do 19 on a treadmill?? insane!

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