
enjoying every second of life and running

Mercedes Marathon Training: Week 9 Day 2


First I just want to say thanks for the kind words regarding my failed long run. I felt utterly miserable. It’s awful to feel so sick and normally running makes things feel better, but in this case there was no way running was helping matters.

So on to a new week. Tonight was 7 Miles Recovery W/6 X 100M Strides and some Ab work. All feels right again. 🙂

7 thoughts on “Mercedes Marathon Training: Week 9 Day 2

  1. So glad you are on the mend, and back on track. It seems like no matter how hard anyone tried you can't escape some of the stuff going around.

  2. Yeah it's been bad at work, some sort of bug. You guys take care too.CJ

  3. So glad you're feeling better!

  4. I'm glad you're feeling better. Take it easy. Those stomach bugs can be bad!

  5. Glad to hear your recovering from that nasty bug! Nothing worse then stomach issues on a run! Get lots of rest and take advantage of that tapering coming up…Less than a month and your off to the races :)Cheers….Stay well!

  6. Thanks everybody! I'm definitely feeling better!CJ

  7. I'm gald your feeling better. I got some sort of bug yesterday thats sticking around and i feel awful.

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